The Resilient Child
This is a parents event
Arranged at a time that suits the school and parents
Developing children’s resilience and emotional regulation
This will be an opportunity to listen to a behaviour specialist talk about children’s behaviours, anxieties and responses to people and their environment. A child's experiences shapes how they develop and who they become. As parents and carers we need to be aware of some of the experiences we create, and miss, in our busy lives.
Discussing why children react like they do sometimes and how parents can help to reduce their difficult behaviours and reactions. Recognising how to help them to manage better and how to support them to build resilience. This is not doing the 'emotional work' for them but supporting them through it themselves. We want our children to understand their emotions and to learn to regulate them themselves. However, some children need support for longer or just for different situations.
This is a non judgemental, open and honest presentation and discussion with time for Q&A
At the commissioning school
One hour session
One hour before the session for parents to have 1:1 discussion