I am based in Cheshire West and I have worked with the schools in this area for many years.
A school teacher by profession 1995 - 2003
Alternative Curriculum Specialism 2003- 2008
Behaviour Support Service Cheshire LA 2007 - 2015
Team Teach Advanced Senior Tutor 2011- present
My specialism is in school behaviour management
Effective planning and effective strategies to improve behaviour
Colleague support and developing peer-support structures
Whole school policies and approaches for behaviour improvement
I work throughout the North West of England. My teaching career started in Cheshire mainstream schools in 1995 before working with Cheshire and Warrington Connexions in 2003 in and engaging some of the most challenging young people in Cheshire in full time Alternative Curriculum Projects. Following multi agency working and successful outcomes I began working for Cheshire County Council in 2007 in the Behaviour Support Service and supported schools to manage challenging children. After many changes in the local authorities support for schools I took the decision to work independently in 2015.
I support schools with engaging challenging children and lead training around engagement and behaviour in all key stages as an independent consultant. My specialism is in school behaviour management; effective planning and effective strategies; colleague support; developing peer-support structures for teachers and developing whole school policies and approaches for behaviour improvement.
I was a mainstream Primary School Vice Chair of Governors in charge of Safeguarding and Health and Safety for 4 years so I have a wider knowledge of the pressures and realities of challenging children and families.
I have worked closely with colleagues in other specialist support roles with in the Local Authority so I am well aware of referral pathways, possibilities and the requirements for EHCPs. I am known to the majority of Headteachers in Cheshire West and I have a good reputation for effectiveness and professionalism.